Workshop: PodcasTraining
The workshop, organised in cooperation with Deutsche Welle and sponsored by the German Embassy in Slovenia, is aimed at podcasters and those who are tempted to become one. How do you get started? What does success mean? MethodKit for podcasts is a tool that asks all the questions you should have answers to before your first episode. Producing a podcast is so much more than just hitting the record button. Thinking about the content, the guests, your message and looking after your community starts well in advance. This workshop will help you clarify your ideas and goals. It has been created by the world's leading podcast experts. Places are limited! Mentors: Barbara Gruber (Deutsche Welle, Germany), Kateri Jochum (Bonn Institute) and Anže Tomić (Radio Slovenija).
Radio play: Tracks / Proge
The radio play combines five personal accounts of people who have experienced sexual violence. What do Sandra, Pia, Marko, Robert and Nataša have in common? Apart from the fact that they are the characters in a drama, not all that much, it seems. They differ in age, gender, worldviews, interests and ways of life. But they are connected by a common experience – they all have a similar story in which their boundaries were violated and they found themselves victims of sexual harassment. Followed by a panel discussion.
Written by Helena Šukljan, directed by Klemen Markovčič. Cast: Marijana Brecelj, Gaja Filač, Klemen Kovačič, Ajda Smrekar, Primož Vrhovec. Coproduction of Ars (Radio Slovenija) and ŠKUC Teater. Rated: 15+
Workshop: Editing Sound With Hindenburg
Anyone who creates audio content needs to know how to edit sound. Fortunately, using editing software doesn’t have to be hard. Hindenburg was developed in Denmark, and the journalists of the DR public radio there were among the first to test it. The software was conceived with a radio journalist or podcaster in mind. All the key processes of sound engineering run in the background, so the journalist can fully engage with creating the story. Nick Dunkerley will explain how to use Hindenburg and disclose lots of tricks of the trade to work faster and get better final results. All participants will receive a free two-month licence for Hindenburg PRO 2.0.
Radioplayer Slovenija
The worldwide initiative to make radio stations agree on technology and compete with content has a name: Radioplayer. Initiated by Radio Slovenija and supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Media Chamber, Slovenian radio stations, public and commercial, are also joining the project that brings a better listening experience for every audio device, including the car. A consortium of radio stations across the world can design a better listening experience for the connected car, mobile phone, smart speakers, etc. As Slovenia officially brings Radioplayer to the market, this will be a great opportunity to predict the future of radio and talk to all major Slovenian radio networks, including inventors of Radioplayer.
Jabolka, hruške in knjige
The podcast Jabolka, hruške in knjige [Apples, Pears and Books], hosted by the rather seasoned, yet zealously curious youngsters Zala Trebežnik and Juš Dovjak, brings mischief, wit and occasional cheekiness to the Radio Ars universe, bridging older and newer nuances of Slovenian culture. At the festival, they will add an often-neglected part of Slovenian national literature to this intergenerational bridge: drama. Their guests will be two very topical dramatists, the Prešeren Fund Award recipient Simona Semenič with her book Tri drame [Three Dramas] and Tjaša Mislej, the first Slovenian woman writer whose work Naše skladišče [Our Warehouse] will be part of the high school graduation exam syllabus.
aUdIo Of The Future
It can write texts and create pictures, photos and videos. It can imitate voices, switch between languages and play with music and literary genres. It can search enormous amounts of data. Faster than anyone else. Without sleep, holidays or hesitations. Truth is just a word to it. Among millions of others. How will artificial intelligence change journalism and the media? What role will it play in the newsrooms of the future? Nina Slaček and Maja Ratej, journalists at Radio Slovenija, and their guests will reflect on smart tools, the present and the future ones, and how they will change the media.
When Lines of Communication Fail
A mobile phone signal, internet connections, a television signal – yes, there are moments when nature cuts off all our lines of communication. This is what happened during this year’s floods when a battery-powered radio and Radio Slovenija’s satellite signal were the only connections to what was happening. Avdiofestival brings stories from journalists, engineers, firefighters and representatives of civil defence and municipalities who learned in the first days of the disaster that nature is more powerful than many technological achievements. The round table on Avdiofestival’s loud stage will be recorded and parts of it will be broadcast on Radio Slovenija and in podcasts.
Evolucija užitka / The Evolution of Pleasure
Sex education for children begins with sex education for adults, which is why the documentary podcast Evolucija užitka (Evolution of Pleasure) combines personal stories with the latest scientific findings on human sexuality. This time Manca Dorrer and Domen Valič take on the live roles of Eva and Luka and explore the impact of culture and society on human sexuality through Ajda's experience. The Evolution of Pleasure podcast with information about the clitoris inspired Zvezdana Novaković to write the song Glacier, which she will perform in public for the first time. And also for the first time, we'll be talking about First Time – a documentary series and podcast that will create a space for young people to have compassionate, respectful and understanding conversations about intimacy and closeness. From the first click to the first kiss, from the first heartbreak to the sexual violence that shouldn't happen the first time.
Creative Soundscapes
What is the purpose of an integral radio sound? Is it about aesthetic audio elements, jingles or is it the essential sonic identity of the radio programme? What is the role of radio imaging in public and commercial radio? What are the similarities? What are the differences? How does the image influence the content? Our conversation partners are: composer Sebastijan Duh, music editor at Radio Si International Iztok Novak, music producer Nik Šmon and Dejan Vedlin, editor-in-chief of Toti Radio. Places are limited!
Žoga je okrogla + Dvokorak
Listeners of Žoga je okrogla like football, those of Dvokorak prefer basketball. They are all passionate about sport. The first speak on public radio, the latter do all kinds of sports and express their passion on the Dvokorak podcast because they know almost everything there is to know about sport. They also share a common history, a relaxed attitude and the ability to poke fun at each other. A casual, fun and thorough debate about sport in the company of friends.
Journey on the Edge of the Night
We will talk about and with those for whom sounds are much more than just auditory stimuli. Sounds are colour, depth, space, unfolding images … They are time, they are feelings and they are – relationships. They are their world. Inspired by the documentary radio play about Evgen Bavčar, PhD, Journey on the Edge of the Night, which will premiere in early October, we will go in search of the sound lights of the night, discuss the role of contemporary radio for those who can see, the creativity of blind and visually impaired people, and throw in a surprise or two. Evgen Bavčar will be with us. What about you? Don't miss out, if you love radio, stories and sounds, and want to see the world with your ears.
The Travelling Workshop by Samantha Broun and Rob Rosenthal
Rob Rosenthal is, according to Ira Glass, “arguably the best radio mentor in the USA”. That is one of the reasons why we invited him to Slovenia for the second time and moved the Radio Centre of the Universe to Matavun in the Škocjan Caves Park for a good week. Otherwise, as we hear on Rob's Sound School podcast (formerly How Sound), the Radio Centre of the Universe is located in Woods Hole on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, USA. For many years, the Transom radio workshops were also held there. Following the example of the weekly workshop, we also organised a workshop for journalists from Radio Slovenija and two guests from Denmark and the Netherlands. The radio journalists practised their storytelling skills before the festival. Ten carefully crafted stories were produced during this time. It is a career-marking workshop and also has an impact on those who attend the final evening. Let's listen to the best storytelling. Or as Rob would say when he's not on his bike, “Radio on!” The workshop is supported by the American Embassy in Ljubljana.
Umetnost možnega / The Art of Possible
In the political podcast The Art of the Possible, we analyse current political events with fellow journalists who have a 'front row seat' to political developments, following and talking to politicians also without cameras and microphones. The topics of the podcast are written by politics itself – with intrigues, defections, recounts, landmark meetings and congresses, alliances and conflicts. Every fortnight we analyse, comment, explain and, of course, sometimes appalled, other times amused. In this episode, Matija Stepišnik, Miran Lesjak and Ali Žerdin face the audience live. The hosts are Tanja Starič and Aleš Kocjan, but you already know that!
Miha Šalehar: Premiere of the Podcast Mihilizem
Mihilizem is a talk podcast that should never be believed because it is actually aimed at noble disbelief. It addresses smart people on the nonsense of the world that the cautious, subservient and therefore popular followers of the existing religion of endless economic growth, who grace the headlines and screens, avoid for good reason.
Odbiti Atmosferci lovijo ravnotežje
An entrepreneurial podcast that opens the floor to honest and diverse conversations. Stories about the trials and tribulations of three car dreamers. Modern technologies critically placed in our space and time. Lovim ravotežje (Nina Gaspari), Atmosferci (Ciril Komotar) and Odbita do bita (Maruša Kerec and Anže Tomić). The three successful podcasts have one thing in common: loyal listeners. How and why have they found success? Who has built the best community? Will you come and see?